If you do frequent public speaking, particularly in medium-to-large venues, how do you create/use your speaker notes? I’ve done everything from handwritten index cards to printed full manuscripts to teleprompters to Pages presenter mode to on-screen pdfs and more. What do you use? What apps? Etc?

Playing around with a little styling for comments by the site author.

Screenshot of author comment styling

In 1 week since the launch of Bayou Theme for Micro.blog, the documentation site received 2,189 unique visitors from 31 different countries.

If you’re a Bayou Theme user, @lmika has created a nice sidebar plugin.

Released a new plugin for Micro.blog: Sidebar for the Bayou theme (yes, another sidebar plugin). Thanks again to [@Mtt](https://micro.blog/Mtt) for making changes to the theme to support adding the sidebar. Can be installed from the plugin directory (please ensure you have Bayou version 1.1.3 or later).

Wow, Google didn’t mess up the gumbo by adding tomatoes. Pretty accurate representation of the best gumbo.

-A South Louisiana Native

Some micro.blog news from @manton regarding Sumo Theme. And a nod to developers as well.

What are you using for RSS these days? I’ve been using NetNewsWire since it re-launched on iOS. I have no (well, few) complaints, but I want to see what others are using.

Sumo Theme & Bayou Theme now have localized text support (set language in config.json). Visual text elements (ex “Read More”) will display in your language. This will be coming to Tiny Theme as well. Languages supported are English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, & Russian.

I have just released Bayou Theme 1.0 for Micro.blog. Read the intro and dive into the documentation. Its main goal is to keep your longform posts visible and accessible without leaving microposts in the dark.

If you’re ever traveling I-10 through Louisiana, consider our new Airbnb.