Has anyone created any cool CarPlay shortcuts?

It’s Opening Day!

Matt and Kalena in Braves gear

This baby girl is 5 today. Happened way too fast.

Kalena and Rowyn

Tiny Theme 2.7: Fundamental Changes to 'More' Tag Usage

Tiny Theme has been updated to version 2.7 and includes a fundamental change to how posts can be truncated with a Read More tag. Previously, you needed to use a Summary Posts plugin (now archived). The feature is now built-in for all users. Simply add a more tag within your post and it’ll be properly truncated on your main blog page.

That’s hardly breaking news, but here is where things change. Hugo (and thus Micro.blog) has limited support for formatting and handling this style of truncated posts/summaries. Typically, all HTML formatting (links, photos, etc) would be stripped out when using that tag. Obviously, that’s not ideal. Tiny Theme will now handle that how you might expect. Your blog feed, even when using the More tag, will show all HTML as intended on the post feed even when you use more tags.

What’s a famous movie filmed (or set) in your hometown? For me, it’s Secretariat and The Apostle. 🍿

My Top 5 Flashlights to Carry

For years, I’ve been in what many call the EDC Community. Basically, that means I’m more cognizant of what I carry on a daily basis. Technically speaking, everyone has an EDC (or Every Day Carry). For most people, that includes a phone, keys, and wallet. Others take it a step further with a pocket knife or leaps and bounds further with a fully stocked sling/bag.

One of the most common extra items is a flashlight. If you’re questioning the necessity of carrying a flashlight by asking, “Why not use the flashlight on your phone?” then you likely aren’t the individual who needs to carry a flashlight. But if you find yourself needing a legitimate standalone flashlight often (perhaps due to your job) or just want to see what it’s like to carry one, this list is for you.

Dads that carry a satchel or small sling, what do you keep in yours?

Looks like @lmika snuck in a new plugin specifically for Tiny Theme to add a sidebar with your blogrolls. Awesome job!

The festivals are starting!

Matt and Kalena Langford at a Louisiana festival.

Here is my blogroll.

Tiny Theme works great with the new blogroll feature of Micro.blog. Just follow the docs and you can display yours on any post or page.

Yes, recommendations and blogroll support will be baked into Tiny Theme.

I’m very late to Raycast, but I’m loving it so far. Especially combined with BetterTouchTool.

We recently got an Aranet4. It’s quite eye opening when you dive into CO2 levels and begin to understand what they mean.

Tiny Theme 2.6 just pushed out. Includes 4 new microhooks and a couple of minor bug fixes.

She’s back at it. Getting the garden back under controller for this year.

Kalena Langford gardening

Our local library system is switching from Overdrive to cloudLibrary and I don’t think there’s a single redeeming reason for the move.

I am building a Testimonial/Review page for Tiny Theme. If you’d like to contribute, you can drop a testimonial or a link to a review in the replies to this post or by contacting me. Every one I add will include the source name/link in return.

Tiny Theme 2.5 was just pushed out with more microhooks. Alongside the update is a new site with improved documentation, tutorials, and examples (more will be added).

My perfect e-reader setup is a Kobo Libra 2 with folio case, Bookerly font, and Overdrive connection.