Introducing Sumo Theme for
As the developer of Tiny Theme for, I’ve had a unique seat as the platform has grown. As has added features, changed, and matured, so have the many great themes available. The popularity and community acceptance of Tiny Theme has consistently overwhelmed me. It has always been a great theme for people who want high level control over the look, feel, and layout of the site.

Today, I’m excited to introduce a new theme called Sumo. It uses a lot of the codebase of Tiny Theme, supports many of the same features, but is significantly more opinionated than Tiny Theme.
Using Hugo and, you have the ability to manipulate and mold any theme into what you want. If you have a clear vision of where you want your site to go and the technical chops to get it there, use Tiny Theme.
I designed Tiny Theme with OTHERS in mind. I wanted to make it as flexible and functional as possible. I wanted others to be able to bend it to their liking. And I’ve been amazed at the results.
I designed Sumo Theme with ME in mind. This is a full package theme designed how I’d choose if you paid me and walked away from the computer. But, ya know, it’s free.
It’s Not Customizable?
Well, let’s not go that far. Sumo Theme is built with 3 easy customization possibilities.
- Skinning
- Font Choices
- Microhooks
Skinning allows you to choose your own color scheme. I’m not talking about choosing a main color and an accent color and going home. I mean you can color all kinds of stuff using CSS
Font Choices include all stacks created by Modern Font Stacks. This mirrors the feature on Tiny Theme.
Microhooks were developed for Tiny Theme and adapted for Sumo Theme. Every Microhook works on BOTH themes.
But Can I Do More?
Of course you can, as with all themes available on You can even fork it on Github if you’d like. However, this theme is not built with that in mind. The ideal user of Sumo Theme will activate it, color it, perhaps use a microhook or 2, and roll with it.
Are There More Features?
Well, of course there are. We could talk about things like speed, codebase, microhooks, font choices, and skinning for hours, but let’s leave those behind for now. Here’s a good old fashioned list of some of the other features available at launch.
- See images (and other elements) full-width on smaller devices
- Support for Tinylytics
- Support for FontAwesome (no scripts or plugins needed)
- Full suite of Typography options such as multiple blockquote styles, multiple paragraph styles, and page folds
- Full comment system support
- Supports popular plugins by default
- Frequently Updated
- Responsive Developer
- And a lot more!
What If I Need Help?
If you need help, have a problem, or would like to report a bug (this is a 1.0 release after all), you can contact me via or email.
Sumo Theme is launching as version 1.0. More features and tweaks are on the roadmap, including a 1.1 release before the middle of August 2024.
How Much Does it Cost?
It’s free, of course. But you can always feel free to chip in to support development.