I’m down to the last couple things on my current Gear for Sale page. I’m willing to deal if you want anything. Yes, I’ll ship. A new batch of listings is coming soon.

I work in an org that has a small staff but a large volunteer base. Internally, we use Todoist. There’s not a built-in way to share project lists with non-members/users. Today, I created a single page site that ties into the Todoist API, displays tasks, ands allows volunteers to view what’s needed.

I’ve really enjoyed David McCloskey’s spy/espionage series. If you’re into the genre, start with Damascus Station—it’s CIA-focused and mostly set in Syria. The next books take you to Mexico and Russia. McCloskey is a former CIA officer and co-host of The Rest is Classified podcast.

If you use Kagi, here’s a simple theme you can copy/paste. Spaces things out, cleans some stuff, tweaks the link colors.

Throw me something, mister! (Photo by @Kalena)

girl sits on dads shoulders during a parade

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about Vivaldi and Zen browsers. What are you using on macOS and iOS? I’ve been 100% Safari for a long time, but open to exploring options.

Taking the family to Mardi Gras parades today. The in Louisiana but not in New Orleans kind.

What do you use to track TV Shows/Seasons? I don’t need social features, etc. Something to basically allow me to add shows, mark episodes I’ve seen, & see what’s up next. I’ve been using TV Forecast (connects with trackt.tv). No complaints, but I’m up for renewal and would like to see options.

I’ve added some video equipment to my gear for sale page. Blackmagic and PTZOptics.

Anyone with a 3D printer up for doing a small print for me? 🙂