Is Pinboard still active? I know the dev was taking a year off of some things, but it seems the blog has gone offline and there have been no status updates that Iā€™ve seen.

She woke up and decided Black Friday should be deep clean the kitchen day.

A day late on the Thanksgiving pic because I was in the land of no signal. Rowyn (the 3 year old) was very excited about this photo opportunity. šŸ“· šŸ¦ƒ

Happy unsubscribe-from-emails day to all who celebrate.

My free $5 of Bitcoin from PayPal isnā€™t doing so well.

Thereā€™s nothing quite like cold weather and sickness to make you miss warmth and the outdoors.

Iā€™m seriously debating leaving Instagram. Iā€™m trying to determine if I want to sign up for Glass (or similar) as a replacement or just live without. Anyone made that move recently?

I don’t see Mastodon as a whole going mainstream. I could see a scenario where a specific instance does, but even that seems far fetched (cost, moderation, etc). It’s just too spread out and complicated for the average user.

Cloud Cuckoo Land is a gem of a novel. Hidden within a seemingly random conversation between two characters, I discovered my new mantra.

How are people using both and Mastodon? Cross posting? Using individually? Some other creative way?

Tried out Arc Browser for a while, but it just has too many limitations for my use. The lack of a mobile version (thus no syncing) and no iCloud password access are the dealbreakers for me.

First fire of the year. Not many opportunities here.

I have learned way more than I ever thought Iā€™d need to know about trademarks, BIMI, DMARC, etc over the last couple weeks.

I made a very simple landing page of sorts for the domain my wife and I use for email. There are always a few people who visit the domain to verify our email authenticity (particularly when using PayPal, etc). Maybe itā€™ll serve as enough verification for them.

Finished reading Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr today. Itā€™s a fantastic and unique story that I would recommend to almost anyone.

Took the day off to go ice skating with my son for his 6th birthday. We had the entire rink to ourselves.

Iā€™ve been a recent convert to the Kindle + Libby setup for reading. Disappointed I didnā€™t dive into that ages ago. The Kindle Oasis (got it for a steal) makes all the difference for me.

Iā€™ve still got a few things left to tweak (dark mode for example), but Iā€™m happy with my new theme. Clean and simple.

Iā€™m still struggling to find the ideal read-it-later/consumption service. Instapaper hasnā€™t evolved, Pocket isnā€™t my thing. Matter is OK. Readwiseā€™s Reader (beta) is strong but is trying to do too much (like Feedbin, Inoreader). Any suggestions?

Having quite the productive day. Knocked out a good bit of day job stuff, redesigned my blog, and booked a small Christmas family getaway.