I’ve added some video equipment to my gear for sale page. Blackmagic and PTZOptics.

Anyone with a 3D printer up for doing a small print for me? 🙂

If you’re a MLB fan, you might find this useful. I wanted a simple way to see each team’s 40-man roster, so I made my own.

Bayou Theme has been updated to version 1.2. Included in this version is the option to define how many microposts and longform posts are shown on the homepage, change the categories for microposts and longform posts, set the site language (en, de, es, fi, fr, it, pt, ru), and change the date format.

Support for Summaries is now rolling out for Tiny and Sumo Theme.

Braves fans first. But baseball fan overall. My phone surfaced this photo from a few years ago today. Son had been begging to catch an Astros game.

A smiling family of three is sitting in stadium seats, wearing casual clothes and caps.

Updates coming this week for Tiny, Sumo, and Bayou themes include a newsletter fix, improved support for social media images (particularly for users with multiple blogs), improved support for the new summary feature, and a few bug fixes.

As a ProPresenter + Multitracks + Live Streaming producer, today was a rough day. Dealing with MIDI/Network issues can age you a few years within a few hours.

If you do frequent public speaking, particularly in medium-to-large venues, how do you create/use your speaker notes? I’ve done everything from handwritten index cards to printed full manuscripts to teleprompters to Pages presenter mode to on-screen pdfs and more. What do you use? What apps? Etc?

Playing around with a little styling for comments by the site author.

Screenshot of author comment styling