Recent Replies

@warner I’ll try to send you some tips next week. Traveling through the weekend, but I can help once back.

@willtmonroe Yes, it’s possible. I can try to do a write up for you next week.

@jarrod Yeah, it is still very under construction. Thanks!

@aeryn Thank you!

@DaveyCraney Appreciate it! Thanks for testing.

@camiel Send me a link when you do!

@pratik Thanks! Constant tinkering is fun!

@acfusco Yes, it will. Trying to get that into 1.1 next week.

@pcora Excited to see what you come up with!

@cjhubbs Thank you!

@drose Thank you!

@MitchW The official announcement release is tomorrow and will have a few immediate fixes, that blockquote issue included. Line breaks with buttons, some navigation tweaks, etc also included.

As for the date thing, you’d probably be best served borrowing from @pratik’s site to accomplish that. He’s using Tiny, but it would work with Sumo as well.

@warner It looks like that response is in an unrelated thread. Not sure what the conversation is?

@peterw It’s such a nice looking watch.

@christopherchelpka I will, thanks.

@acfusco Good plan. I might have to markup the theme from its $0 price to justify it though. Ha!

@alexandra @nsmsn That’s a classic. And one that’s probably in the finals. The strap from 10 on watch 1 is also a contender.

@larand I’m not that brave!

@larand If I could find the SARB017, I would grab it. My one holdup on the new version is the cyclops. I can’t stand those.

@cjhubbs I like that a lot. Here's a similar one from me.

@cjhubbs Huge fan. I actually used to have that watch (Murph). I also used to have an active EDC instagram. Here it is on a green NATO and here on a brown leather. And the original black.

@manton Appreciate it!

@adamprocter I haven't found anything. I've just gotten used to using the built-in Markup feature. Or Shottr on the Mac. Let me know if you do find something.

@adamprocter We had this problem at my work a couple years ago. I don't remember the exact fix, but it was something to do with our ISP and a firewall blocking the downloads. They're not on device by default and must be downloaded. We were able to get it straightened out, but it was harder than it should've been.