I’m sure a good financial strategist would’ve had this in place way before now, but better late than never. If Tiny Theme has added any meaningful value for you and you’d like to support further development, you can now buy me a coffee. Rest assured, Tiny Theme and its plugins will remain free.

Inspired by some posts by @annie, I decided to add my own Bookmarks page.

Here’s a preview of a new Tiny Theme plugin I’m developing. On any post/page, add a magazine style gallery of images (great on desktop). It will require some basic HTML knowledge, but it should work for most users. It isn’t available publicly yet, but hopefully will be soon.

Her first time ice skating.

Mom and 4 year old ice skating.

Seeing a few conversations about enabling the Replies page on Micro.blog made me want to dive in and optimize it a bit more for Tiny Theme. I added a link back to the full conversation (thanks to @jarrod for making that easy) in the replies feed view (example) and single post view (example).

Tinylytics by @vincent has already become a must have for micro.blog users. It’s so simple and useful. Plus, he gives shoutouts to guys like myself and @jimmitchell.

Anyone use Supply.co or OneBlade for shaving? Thoughts?

Here’s a small project I just completed. I’m using a free file sharing app with a free file sharing service with a free URL shortening service that has free custom domain support to enable simple file sharing with a custom branded interface. That’s a long sentence. Here’s an example.

Update: I documented how I did it.

Hey, podcast people. If I wanted to record a podcast with multiple people in separate locations when both/all would only have access to an iPhone, how would I go about it? Is it possible?

Looks like the Arc Browser is now available without a waiting list. I don’t use it as my default browser, but I could see it replacing Chrome for a lot of people.

Today I learned that a DMARC quarantine/reject policy doesn’t play nice with Gmail (Google Workspace, in this case) aliases. The process of discovering it and working it out was not pleasurable.

So is it X but also Twitter? Or do they have that worked out yet?

Today’s front yard view.

Louisiana front yard with pond. Kalena walking across.

Having a little fun with Tinylytics (by @vincent) on my blog today.

screenshot of tinlytics integration on mattlangford.com

If you use Tiny Theme on Micro.blog, consider hitting the Kudos button at the bottom of the landing page. Thanks!

What Markdown/HTML will be displayed in the Micro.blog timeline? Bold, Italics, Links, inline code. I know about lists and images. What am I missing (include a sample in your reply if possible)?

Following in @jarrod’s footsteps, here’s an extra Bluesky invite for anyone who needs:


I’ve been using Libby/Kindle for reading for a few years now, but lately it seems it’s becoming more and more popular. Previously, I rarely had to place a hold, almost everything was available immediately. Now it’s the opposite. Placing a hold is the norm, often many weeks out.

Tiny Theme + Tinylytics Update: I just pushed an update to Tiny Theme AND the Tinylytics for Tiny plugin that enables the new uptime stat. Use a shortcode to display your site’s uptime history. The plugin continues to work with Tinylytics free accounts, but uptime requires a paid account.

Mastodon: Twitter killer that’s hard for normals to understand.

Bluesky: Twitter killer that’s slow to dev & hard to join.

Threads: Twitter killer that ignores followers & keeping posts in order.

Nostr: Twitter killer that no one knows about.

I just can’t imagine why Twitter isn’t dead yet.