I need some product suggestions:

  1. A sling/pack that can be worn crossbody. I’d like it on the small side (2L max). Looking at Bellroy Venture Ready Sling 2.5L but it’s sold out.
  2. An AppleWatch Ultra band that is beach friendly. Considering the Ocean Band & Nomad’s options. Open to suggestions.

Ahh, there are shareable profile links. Follow me on Threads.

Find me on Threads (mattslangford).

July 4th Family Day.

Family photoChild and Kalena swinging

Tiny theme has been updated and a new Tinylytics for Tiny plugin is now available. You can easily add site statistics, a hit counter, and a kudos button to any site using Tiny theme.

I can’t say enough about how great Tinylytics is. @vincent’s done some amazing work! With his help, I’ve been able to add support for it (including a hit counter shortcode & styled kudos button) into Tiny theme. It should be available in the next couple days, but you can see/test it on my site now.

Seems like as good a time as any to do yard work. Here goes nothing. 🔥

I just updated Tiny Theme to lay the groundwork for a couple new features coming soon. Coupled with that is an update to the Summary Posts plugin for it. Basically cleaned some stuff up, made some stuff a little quicker, added some future proofing, and…ya know…that coming soon stuff.

I love it when Github goes down in the middle of a big push.

I’ve been migrating email providers this week for the organization where I work. Domains and DNS and DKIM and Routing and Migrations and Policies and Dealing-with-People, oh my!