Tiny Theme now has built-in support (design/layout) for @otaviocc’s Reply on Mastodon plugin. Just install the plugin and roll. Report any issues to me. (cc @numericcitizen @maique @chadkoh)

If anyone stumbles upon the Uno: Show ’em No Mercy game (probably only at Walmart) and would ship it to me, I’d cover all the costs. My son wants it for his birthday and it’s nowhere around here (unavailable for shipping too).

Yard work in Louisiana.

After testing out ≈ 10-12 iPhone 15 Pro Max cases from companies like Apple, Spigen, Nomad, Torras, Totallee, and others…I finally landed on my favorite. It’s a slim leather case with metal buttons and full MagSafe compatibility by Mujjo.

Mujjo iPhone case leather

Ronald Acuña. 40/70. Special.

I need a bookmark manager:.

  • Simple, cross-platform (Mac, iOS, browser)
  • Not just read-it-later
  • No (or limited) social aspects
  • Simple organization

Pocket, Instapaper, Readwise Reader, Reeder, Matter, M.b bookmarks, Omnivore don’t fit. Pinboard is closest but it’s browser only and dated. Suggestions?

I’m rolling with a simple “Quick Note” shortcut for my iPhone action button right now. Anyone else do something different?

I’m selling a few things this week. Let me know if interested.

  1. iPad Air (64GB Wifi, current gen, blue) w Smart Folio - $375
  2. Kindle Oasis (8GB WiFi, 7" display) w Amazon Folio - $125
  3. Wurkkos FC11 (Black, 4000k) w battery
  4. Skilhunt H04 RC (Black, NW High CRI) w battery
  5. Reylight x Vosteed Rook (Red, Nichia 519A) w battery

Taking best offer on lights, would love to bundle.

So far I’ve tried the Apple FineWoven case (meh), Spigen Thin something something (cheap), Nomad leather (weak MagSafe magnets). Next up is a Peak Design case and one of those super thin cases you always see ads for. Maybe I’ll like one of the last 2.

If you use Tiny and Tinylytics, you can now add a list of coutries’ flags where visits have originated to your site. The plugin update has been pushed out and should be available to everyone shortly. Remember, you’ll have to add your Tinylytics ID again when you update. See example.