The new Apple Sports app looks promising. I don’t think there is a single quality scores app that focuses on, ya know, scores. They all try to inject videos, ads, subscriptions, news, etc. I just want the scores!

As @vincent’s Tinylytics crossed the 2 million hits tracked milestone, my little site passed the 20,000 hits (tracked by Tinylytics) milestone.

Due to being a parent and the various activities my kids are involved in, I’ve recent had to reactive my Facebook account and sign up for GroupMe. They’ll probably make me increase my phone’s font size next.

Not all cool watches have to cost an arm and a leg. I love my Casio Wave Ceptor.

Casio Wave Ceptor

What watch are you wearing today? For me, it’s a Seiko King Samurai with white dial.

Seiko King Samurai with white dial

Version 2.4 of Tiny Theme was just pushed out and adds new Microhooks, including the most powerful one yet. With microhook-uncss, you can enable a designer version of the theme that removes all default styling. You’ll still get the power of Tiny and its HTML layout, but the CSS becomes fully yours.

If anyone has enjoyed Tiny Theme, here are two ways you can express your gratitude (one and two). 😉

Since @manton just announced the new notes feature of, I had to give it a quick test run. And of course, I had to add a little Tiny Theme (2.3.1 required) specific styling to it as well.

Tiny Theme for has been updated to version 2.3 with even more Microhooks and a tweak to Category Pages.

I did some basic CSS customizations to Kagi that make a big difference in my opinion. If you’re using Kagi, have you made any changes? Seems like something where @maique would add some #fe7eb0.