I’m Matt Langford, Pastor at Landmark Church in Lafayette, LA. I’m married to Kalena, and we have two wonderful children.

Matt and Kalena Langford and family.

A lifetime ago, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from the University of Louisiana. Before my current role (and immediately after college), I worked for a few years for one of the large telecommunications companies. I’ve started a couple of businesses, failed miserably at times, but always learned a lot.

In the early 2000s, I became interested in web design. My journey began with legacy “web design” apps such as Microsoft Frontpage and Macromedia Dreamweaver. Fortunately, I’ve progressed with the times. I am the designer behind Tiny Theme for Micro.blog, one of the most popular themes on the platform.

I now live outside of Lafayette, LA, USA on a couple of acres with my family. In my downtime, I love to read, play ball with my kids, and binge watch The Amazing Race.

Micro Matt Podcast

Micro Matt Podcast

A podcast about anything and everything with short episodes. From tech to family to blogging and more, no topic is off limits. Subscribe now to never miss an episode.

Elsewhere: Pocket Casts and RSS

Pages of Interest


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Support Projects and Development

I am the sole creator of multiple projects, including Tiny Theme for Micro.blog. If Tiny theme, my tutorials and support, or anything else has provided value to you, please consider supporting my ongoing work.


You can contact me directly through Micro.blog or via email.