Tiny Theme 2.7: Fundamental Changes to 'More' Tag Usage
Tiny Theme has been updated to version 2.7 and includes a fundamental change to how posts can be truncated with a Read More tag. Previously, you needed to use a Summary Posts plugin (now archived). The feature is now built-in for all users. Simply add a more tag within your post and it’ll be properly truncated on your main blog page.
That’s hardly breaking news, but here is where things change. Hugo (and thus Micro.blog) has limited support for formatting and handling this style of truncated posts/summaries. Typically, all HTML formatting (links, photos, etc) would be stripped out when using that tag. Obviously, that’s not ideal. Tiny Theme will now handle that how you might expect. Your blog feed, even when using the More tag, will show all HTML as intended on the post feed even when you use more tags.
The more tag can also be customized using a new microhook (microhook-read-more-text.html). This is great if you’d like to change it from saying “Read More” to “Finish Reading,” but it’s especially useful for users who need to use a different language.
For those of you currently using the Summary Posts plugin, it will stop working when you update to Tiny Theme 2.7. The switchover should be seamless as far as functionality. If you used the Summary Posts plugin to also change the text of the button, you’ll now need to do that with Microhooks.
You can see more details in the documention.
this is AMAZING news! Woooo!!! Thank you.
any chance this can also be extended to category/archive pages?
@drose That is the plan. I wanted to roll this out for a few days first to see if there are any unforeseen issues before doing it there. But give it 72 hours and it should be there if all goes well.
excellent! I really appreciate all the work you put in for the community here.
Good time to ask if I could customize the More template to do what I’m doing now (only for macro posts) mostly for Micro.blog timeline - use a custom excerpt followed by Read More Link to Post Title. The custom excerpt doesn’t show on the post on the blog but only on the timeline.
Fine if tiny is designed to be this way
@pratik That’s not built-in, but you could incorporate it using microhooks. Same goes for the way you sort posts on the home page.
Hmm...I may have to edit the feeds.json file, too, to remove the Title field. I am rethinking if I should do all that just for the Micro.blog timeline. Thanks!
@pratik Yeah, Tiny doesn’t touch those files.
@jonah The rest is coming very very soon. Just having to roll it out piece by piece. No way to stress test it otherwise.
@jonah @drose I went ahead and pushed out support for
read more
on category pages in version 2.7.1.you’re the man! 🙌🙌🙌 @jonah
this More functionality is soo good
@kurite I’m glad you like it!
@kurite Also, I need to borrow your X100V for a couple years.
haha! 🙅
@kurite Just ordered an X100F (can't justify the markup on the X100V). I had one years ago and have regretted selling it since. Any tips/recommendations for when it arrives?
Very nice! Thanks for doing this. Tiny is evolving into the ideal theme for me.
Ken Rockwell has perhaps the best, straight forward tips . Ritchie Roesch’s Fuji X Weekly is great for all kinds of film simulations if you want to try straight out of the camera photography. There’s even an app for quick reference. I’m a big fan of the versatile Kodak Ultramax 400 sim. When manual focusing, I love the Focus Check and MF Assist Peak (red for me). Keep in mind subject detection turned on will disable certain features - can be frustrating if you forget that. Use the Q menu! (If the F has a Q menu). More than anything, enjoy!
oh and Fujifilm’s free X Raw Studio application is worth learning for reprocessing raw when you need to (like to fix poor judgement on a film sim choice or to experiment)
@kurite Thanks. Bookmarked everything and will dive in.